
Exhibition Marketing Plan

Exhibition Marketing Strategy

Marketing For Exhibitions

Why Exhibitions Are Important To Your Marketing Strategy

In an era of digital communications where content is increasingly bitesize and snackable, traditional exhibitions can seem a little old school. But traditional doesn’t always mean outdated; exhibition-based events remain one of the few marketing techniques that still pack a real punch.

January 24, 2023

Izzy Ford

How many other channels deliver a targeted audience, the opportunity to stand out from your competition and the ability to deliver your brand strategy in a single space, all whilst giving an exceptional return on investment?

Despite, or perhaps even in spite of the numerous ways a prospective client can interact with you digitally, the ability to connect face to face is still regarded as the most authentic way to build a relationship.

It’s also great for sales. 76% of visitors at B2B and B2C exhibitions make new purchasing decisions and have existing ones reinforced as a result of being at the event, which demonstrates that in amongst the many ways a sales-based conversation can take place, the benefit of physical interaction in an exhibition environment cannot be underestimated.

The Power Of A Conversation

Exhibitions are firmly back on the radar of buyers who are looking for an efficient and effective way to understand the market but who want to have real-time and in person conversations with an expert to inform their purchasing decisions.  

This type of audience is highly-engaged and motivated to make decisions; a recent CEIR study showed that 81% of trade show attendees have buying authority and purchasing power and 92% of trade show attendees say they are looking for new products.

Grass Roots Exhibiting

Interestingly, this approach has been in play since as far back as 1851, when the first international trade show was held in Hyde Park, London. Opened by Queen Victoria and bringing together the best products from across the globe, the exhibition attracted over six million visitors across the five months it ran for. In the following years, more of these large, global exhibitions took place, often at venues that were purpose built to host them including the NEC Birmingham and ExCel London.

Exhibitions and trade shows have of course evolved, but the principle remains: bring together a group of organisations who offer similar goods and/or services and let the buyer decide who they want to select.  

This event model remains as relevant today as they did back in the mid-1800s, with a highly-credible business case as to why exhibitions deserve space in your marketing strategy.

A Long List Of Benefits

You can check out our blog on the benefits of attending an exhibition, but here are some of our favourites:

  • It’s great PR for your brand – and you don’t have to do much of the hard work
  • Connect in person – it’s just not the same virtually
  • Build brand awareness – brand presence in front of those who matter 
  • A learning opportunity – reconnect with your industry and the hot topics everyone’s talking about
  • Generate leads – the ideal lead: already warm and engaged

Partnering With The Professionals

Creating a dedicated events and exhibition strategy is the best way to maximise the value of your overall investment.  As well as ensuring you have the right presence at exhibitors and shows that will bring the most commercial gain, it also allows you to consider the right exhibition components, such as the design and build of your stand and associated logistics.  

At Aboveline, we can work with you to develop a solution that delivers across your entire events strategy, whether that’s a bespoke stand build that is tailored for one exhibition or a stand that has components that can flexibly support all of your events throughout the year.

If you’d like to talk about how we can help you bring your exhibitions strategy to life then get in touch with our team – call 01270 848 650 or email

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