
Exhibition Marketing Plan

Exhibition Marketing Strategy

Sustainable Exhibitions

Five Tips To Make Your Exhibition Stand More Sustainable

The live events industry has a huge opportunity ahead to become more sustainable, and this is particularly true for those involved in exhibiting.

May 19, 2023

Izzy Ford

Exhibiting is notoriously ‘single use’, with a heavy reliance on things like packaging material, food and drink containers and even event materials such as programmes or maps, that can only be used once before being disposed of. Add in the impact of travel for both exhibitors and delegates and the heavy reliance on energy to keep the lights on for the event, and the environmental impact is significant.

At Aboveline, we are working diligently to look at not just our own sustainable footprint as a full-service exhibition partner but also how we can support our clients to help deliver a more environmentally friendly exhibition strategy with a reduced carbon footprint and less waste. The total environmental impact of exhibiting is a high priority for everyone involved and we are keen to play our part and share our best practice knowledge.

We’ve done lots of research on how we can support our clients with this, and here are just five of the many tips you can think about to help drive this important agenda:

#1 Design A Stand With Reusability In Mind

We pride ourselves in designing and manufacturing stand elements that are enduring and robust, able to withstand multiple events and shows. This means less impact from the manufacturing process, including less waste material and energy consumption during the original build phase, as well as benefits from using storage rather than full disposal and starting again each time.

We offer an innovative multi-show agreement to maximise your investment whilst minimising your environmental impact. By partnering with you to deliver your holistic exhibition strategy, we can use our extensive expertise to advise on a stand design and build that can be used across multiple events to support your strategic objectives and deliver a commercially attractive option for your event presence.

#2 Consider The Materials You’re Using

From the specification we agree upon to build your event stand components to the materials your brand literature is printed on, there are lots of quick wins when it comes to a more environmentally friendly approach to exhibiting.  If you are offering refreshments, these could be offered in sustainably sourced containers or you could have a recycling bin within your stand to collect these after they’ve been used.  

When it comes to going paperless, digital solutions are now an accessible and affordable way to distribute marketing materials, with QR codes and downloadable links offering a quick and simple way to connect with show delegates.

#3 Think About Your Energy Consumption

Exhibiting is undoubtably energy-intensive however as an exhibitor, there are still things you can do to reduce your impact.  Make sure you specify energy-efficient lighting as part of your stand build and think about the tech you want to integrate and how much power it will need across the duration of your event.  It’s easy to request things like multiple electrical points, stand heating and hard-wired broadband as part of your stand specification but it’s worth pausing to reflect on what you really need, or can manage without and make a feature of, before signing up to all of the tech on offer.

#4 Take A Sustainable Approach To Promotional Items

Promotional items are often a real draw to attract people to your stand, however the age-old attitude of ‘cheap and cheerful’ has shifted significantly and delegates expect a more considered approach to what you offer.  Whether it’s items that can be reused, recycled, or upcycled, promotional items are an opportunity to showcase your brand ethos and a well-thought through offering will show that you are taking sustainability as seriously as you say you are.

#5 Walk The Talk With Your Flooring Solution

Perhaps surprisingly, there are couple of choices you can make when it comes to flooring that can make a real difference to your environmental footprint.  It’s worth investing a little time in understanding the specification that comes with your exhibition space and exploring sustainable alternatives; this includes looking for a substitute for the classic polyester carpet.  If you have any raised flooring as part of your bespoke stand design, you can also look at investing in a bespoke but still reusable modular stand that can be adapted to suit each event whilst being compact and flexible enough to be broken down, stored and easily transported as part of your exhibition stand support.

Exhibiting will always have aspects that are challenging to evolve when it comes to a more sustainable approach, but with this comes an opportunity to be brave, to try new things and experiment with different ways of doing things with the greater good in mind. 

If you’d like to explore a more sustainable approach to exhibiting with a partner who cares as much as you do, why not give us a call? You can reach out to our team of experts to talk about bespoke yet environmentally friendly stand design and build, how we can help you reimagine your events strategy through a sustainable lens or even how our full-service offering, including storage and transportation, can help you reduce your carbon footprint. You can complete this quick online form, email us or contact one of our team by calling 01270 848 650.

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